Clayton's Garage & Wrecker Service

Clayton's Garage & Wrecker Service

Auto Repair in Durham, NC

Auto Repair Towing

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1014 Andrews Chapel Rd.,
Durham , NC 27703 UNITED STATES


Clayton's Garage & Wrecker Service 919-596-6538
1014 Andrews Chapel Rd.,
Durham , NC 27703 UNITED STATES
Clayton's Garage & Wrecker Service 1

Based on 1 reviews

Clayton's Garage & Wrecker Service 919-596-6538
1014 Andrews Chapel Rd.,
Durham , NC 27703 UNITED STATES
1 5


My mother parked in a parking lot that was connected to the restaurant we were meeting at by a walking path. She did not see the sign that said you could get towed that was way up high in a tree. 30 minute later, her car was towed, and...
posted at 03/20/10

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Clayton's Garage & Wrecker Service
Auto Repair
1.0 (1 reviews)
collision auto repair,  auto bumper repair,  fix car paint foreign car repair
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Clayton's Garage & Wrecker Service

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