Claypoole Robert A DMD

Claypoole Robert A DMD

Dentists in Huntingdon Valley, Bryn Athyn, PA


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4 Douglas Dr.,
Huntingdon Valley, Bryn Athyn , PA 19006 UNITED STATES


Claypoole Robert A DMD 215-355-3650
4 Douglas Dr.,
Huntingdon Valley, Bryn Athyn , PA 19006 UNITED STATES
Claypoole Robert A DMD 5

Based on 1 reviews

Claypoole Robert A DMD 215-355-3650
4 Douglas Dr.,
Huntingdon Valley, Bryn Athyn , PA 19006 UNITED STATES
5 5

A Dental Phobe NO MORE :=)

I have serious issues with going to the dentist. Broke a tooth end of Dec, 2010 and agony forced me to go this SUMMER. Yep, I'm a genuine dental phobe. It was either that or a firecracker in my mouth. Dr. Claypoole clearly understood...
posted at 07/19/11

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