Cindy's Fashions

Cindy's Fashions

Clothing in North Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA


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6750 Laurel Canyon Blvd., 4
North Hollywood, Los Angeles , CA 91606 UNITED STATES


Cindy's Fashions 818-765-2566
6750 Laurel Canyon Blvd., 4
North Hollywood, Los Angeles , CA 91606 UNITED STATES
Cindy's Fashions 2

Based on 1 reviews

Cindy's Fashions 818-765-2566
6750 Laurel Canyon Blvd., 4
North Hollywood, Los Angeles , CA 91606 UNITED STATES
2 5

low quality and expensive

This store sells low quality dresses for quinceaneras and weddings. I was here because my friend was looking for flower girl dresses for her wedding. We stepped in and after looking at their stuff, left running! Their prices are also...
posted at 07/12/10

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Cindy's Fashions
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Cindy's Fashions

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