Chui David W MD

Chui David W MD

Doctors in San Jose, CA


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2101 Forest Ave., 226
San Jose , CA 95128 UNITED STATES


Chui David W MD 408-297-5740
2101 Forest Ave., 226
San Jose , CA 95128 UNITED STATES
Chui David W MD 1

Based on 2 reviews

Chui David W MD 408-297-5740
2101 Forest Ave., 226
San Jose , CA 95128 UNITED STATES
1 5

Strange Things DO Happen!

I was referred to Dr Chui for colonoscopy. The reason was abnormal finding on CT Scan in the area of ascending colon. Right

before colonoscopy I humbly asked dr Chui if he could pay attention to the side of the colon which appeared...
posted at 10/27/10
Chui David W MD 408-297-5740
2101 Forest Ave., 226
San Jose , CA 95128 UNITED STATES
1 5

Strange Things DO Happen!

I was referred to Dr Chui for colonoscopy. The reason was abnormal finding on CT Scan in the area of ascending colon. Right

before colonoscopy I humbly asked dr Chui if he could pay attention to the side of the colon which appeared...
posted at 10/28/10

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Chui David W MD
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