Chrysler Specialist-Marlow Automotive

Chrysler Specialist-Marlow Automotive

Auto Repair in Sherman, TX

Auto Repair

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1713 N Central Expressway.,
Sherman , TX 75090 UNITED STATES


Chrysler Specialist-Marlow Automotive 972-633-1299
1713 N Central Expressway.,
Sherman , TX 75090 UNITED STATES
Chrysler Specialist-Marlow Automotive 3.3333333333333

Based on 3 reviews

Chrysler Specialist-Marlow Automotive 972-633-1299
1713 N Central Expressway.,
Sherman , TX 75090 UNITED STATES
4 5

A reliable, honest mechanic...

I trust Bill and his crew at Marlow Automotive with my cars and my daughter's cars.

The work is always done when they say it will be done and they stand behind their work. The last time my car was in for some A/C repairs, they called...
posted at 06/27/11
Chrysler Specialist-Marlow Automotive 972-633-1299
1713 N Central Expressway.,
Sherman , TX 75090 UNITED STATES
1 5

Bad Experence

I did not fell this shop was honest about needed repairs. I suggest anyone who is thinking about using them to be very careful.
posted at 05/24/11
Chrysler Specialist-Marlow Automotive 972-633-1299
1713 N Central Expressway.,
Sherman , TX 75090 UNITED STATES
5 5

Honest and affordable

This repair shop is the best I have found in years. I had several problems going on with my Jeep and they were nice enough to prioritise them for me, honest enough to tell me that something just need to be reattached instead of hitting me...
posted at 07/27/10

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Company name
Chrysler Specialist-Marlow Automotive
Auto Repair
3.3 (3 reviews)
muffler repair,  auto painting,  radiator repair car repair services
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