Children's Paradise

Children's Paradise

Local Services in Denham Springs, LA

Local Services Child Care and Day Care Centers Schools

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8411 Rushing Rd E.,
Denham Springs , LA 70726 UNITED STATES


Children's Paradise 225-664-2340
8411 Rushing Rd E.,
Denham Springs , LA 70726 UNITED STATES
Children's Paradise 1.5

Based on 2 reviews

Children's Paradise 225-664-2340
8411 Rushing Rd E.,
Denham Springs , LA 70726 UNITED STATES
1 5

Spot Check them

Good: They always made sure my children where picked up on time and did their homework.. Bad: Security is not there. My dad was able to walk in and pick up my kids without being asked for ID. On sev...
posted at 11/19/10
Children's Paradise 225-664-2340
8411 Rushing Rd E.,
Denham Springs , LA 70726 UNITED STATES
2 5

Think twice

Yes the pplace is clean and they serve fresh food but there is more to running a quality daycare than that. They need to employ teachers and caregivers that actually care about the kids and are train...
posted at 04/29/10

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Children's Paradise
Local Services
1.5 (2 reviews)
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Children's Paradise

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