Chatham Bakery & Bread Shoppe LLC

Chatham Bakery & Bread Shoppe LLC

Bakeries in Chatham, NJ


Contact us


463 Main St.,
Chatham , NJ 07928 UNITED STATES


Chatham Bakery & Bread Shoppe LLC 973-635-1960
463 Main St.,
Chatham , NJ 07928 UNITED STATES
Chatham Bakery & Bread Shoppe LLC 5

Based on 1 reviews

Chatham Bakery & Bread Shoppe LLC 973-635-1960
463 Main St.,
Chatham , NJ 07928 UNITED STATES
5 5

Local Gem

This is such a cute little shop. The bread is WONDERFUL and the people there were very helpful. Their french bread is crunchy on the outside and soft and airy on the inside.
posted at 02/25/10

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Chatham Bakery & Bread Shoppe LLC
5.0 (1 reviews)
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Chatham Bakery & Bread Shoppe LLC

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