Charlies Foreign Car Service

Charlies Foreign Car Service

Auto Repair in Encinitas, CA

Auto Repair Tires Transmissions and Engines

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751 2nd St.,
Encinitas , CA 92024 UNITED STATES


Charlies Foreign Car Service 760-753-4969
751 2nd St.,
Encinitas , CA 92024 UNITED STATES
Charlies Foreign Car Service 4

Based on 6 reviews

Charlies Foreign Car Service 760-753-4969
751 2nd St.,
Encinitas , CA 92024 UNITED STATES
1 5

Rude Staff

I was referred to this Auto Repair store by the staff at the local NAPA Auto Parts and was extremely disappointed by the first encounter I had with a staff member. He treated me like I was a crazy pe...
posted at 08/11/05
Charlies Foreign Car Service 760-753-4969
751 2nd St.,
Encinitas , CA 92024 UNITED STATES
5 5

Real Professionals

Very knowledgeable and gave it to me in layman's language.Done on time and within the estimateAND fixed a few small things without being asked AND at no extra charge ANDcar was washed and vacuum...
posted at 09/02/08
Charlies Foreign Car Service 760-753-4969
751 2nd St.,
Encinitas , CA 92024 UNITED STATES
3 5

Charlie's Addressed My Problem

After an extensive difficulty and a possible misconception over a part failure, the owner's son made my issue a top priority.

We resolved my contention with high satisfaction and I greatly appreciate Charlie's proactive approach to addressing a complaint.
posted at 05/02/09
Charlies Foreign Car Service 760-753-4969
751 2nd St.,
Encinitas , CA 92024 UNITED STATES
5 5

Update To Negative Post About Towing

I posted here awhile back about a bad experience with Charlie's. However, Charlie's went out of their way to rectify the situation properly and redeemed the amount of money I spent with free repairs....
posted at 05/23/09
Charlies Foreign Car Service 760-753-4969
751 2nd St.,
Encinitas , CA 92024 UNITED STATES
5 5

Trustworthy and more

Have been a highly satisfied customer for over 20 years. This family-owned company not only gets all my business, but that of my adult kids. I can trust what Charlie and his employees tell me which i...
posted at 11/12/09
Charlies Foreign Car Service 760-753-4969
751 2nd St.,
Encinitas , CA 92024 UNITED STATES
5 5

I will continue to take my car to this place

I was quite pleased with my experience at Charlie's. My BMW was making a strange noise and they found a problem with the way the hood was attached - which our dealer had never noticed. They explained what needed to be done and I felt they didn't nickel and dime me, which is a rarity. I will go back.
posted at 05/11/11

Detail information

Company name
Charlies Foreign Car Service
Auto Repair
4.0 (6 reviews)
auto electrical,  auto service
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