Champion Toyota

Champion Toyota

Auto Dealers in Philadelphia, PA

Auto Dealers Auto Repair Tires

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1546 Cottman Ave.,
Philadelphia , PA 19111 UNITED STATES


Champion Toyota 215-742-9300
1546 Cottman Ave.,
Philadelphia , PA 19111 UNITED STATES
Champion Toyota 5

Based on 3 reviews

Champion Toyota 215-742-9300
1546 Cottman Ave.,
Philadelphia , PA 19111 UNITED STATES
5 5


We bought our Camry at Champion Toyota and were very pleased at the whole experience. When my wife needed a car we went back to them and she purchased a Rav 4. A very easy place to do business.
posted at 09/23/10
Champion Toyota 215-742-9300
1546 Cottman Ave.,
Philadelphia , PA 19111 UNITED STATES
5 5


I went in for service and they did exactly what was needed in a timely manner and friendly atmosphere. Nice valet service. \r
Thank you
posted at 10/26/10
Champion Toyota 215-742-9300
1546 Cottman Ave.,
Philadelphia , PA 19111 UNITED STATES
5 5

Fantastic Dealer, Great Price

I bought a used card today from Mike. I had been looking for a while, and had driving all the way to NY and Jersey City looking. Little did I know my perfect car, salesman and dealership were 2 around the corner. Mike made everything easy...
posted at 11/14/10

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Champion Toyota
Auto Dealers
5.0 (3 reviews)
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