Carson Toyota

Carson Toyota

Automotive in Carson, CA

Automotive Auto Dealers Auto Repair

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1333 E 223rd St.,
Carson , CA 90745 UNITED STATES


Carson Toyota 310-549-3131
1333 E 223rd St.,
Carson , CA 90745 UNITED STATES
Carson Toyota 4

Based on 4 reviews

Carson Toyota 310-549-3131
1333 E 223rd St.,
Carson , CA 90745 UNITED STATES
5 5

Best Dealership In L.A. Area

Carson Toyota is the Best!!! Especially their Fleet Director, Dianne Whitmire. I visited a few other dealerships yesterday and none came close to the deal I received at Carson Toyota. I got a bett...
posted at 04/29/11
Carson Toyota 310-549-3131
1333 E 223rd St.,
Carson , CA 90745 UNITED STATES
5 5


I first went in here not knowing a clue what to do. The sales rep Chili helped me tremendously. I came in here as a First Time buyer with a price that actually wasn't realistic. He helped me understan...
posted at 03/12/11
Carson Toyota 310-549-3131
1333 E 223rd St.,
Carson , CA 90745 UNITED STATES
5 5


This is the fourth time I bought a car from Carson Toyota and I had the opportunity to be assisted by Chilly and am very satisfied with his cordiality. His concern extends not only in making a sale bu...
posted at 03/26/11
Carson Toyota 310-549-3131
1333 E 223rd St.,
Carson , CA 90745 UNITED STATES
1 5

tis place sucks

Bad, dishonest experience! I was ready to purchase a new Prius and wanted to get some numbers prior to going down to the dealership. I worked all of the numbers over the phone with the Internet Manager. When I arrived at the dealership...
posted at 04/10/11

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Carson Toyota
4.0 (4 reviews)
auto electrical,  auto mechanic,  engine repair foreign car repair
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