C.A.R. Clinic

C.A.R. Clinic

Auto Repair in Westfield, IN

Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories Transmissions and Engines

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17333 Westfield Park Rd.,
Westfield , IN 46074 UNITED STATES


C.A.R. Clinic 317-896-3820
17333 Westfield Park Rd.,
Westfield , IN 46074 UNITED STATES
C.A.R. Clinic 4.5

Based on 2 reviews

C.A.R. Clinic 317-896-3820
17333 Westfield Park Rd.,
Westfield , IN 46074 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great Customer service

I live in the Geist area and take my cars to CAR Clinic of Westfield. Great customer service and awesome prices!
posted at 03/30/11
C.A.R. Clinic 317-896-3820
17333 Westfield Park Rd.,
Westfield , IN 46074 UNITED STATES
4 5

Great customer service!

I was on a family vacation for our son's national bowling tournament when we discovered a ratteling noise in the front end of our Ford Windstar. I contacted Chris Cotton and he said to bring it in the next morning. The mechainc took a...
posted at 07/25/10

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Company name
C.A.R. Clinic
Auto Repair
4.5 (2 reviews)
auto body repairs,  domestic car repair,  auto diagnostics german auto repair
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C.A.R. Clinic

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