Cannery Row Deli

Cannery Row Deli

Caterers in Monterey, CA


Contact us


101 Drake Ave.,
Monterey , CA 93940 UNITED STATES


Cannery Row Deli 831-645-9549
101 Drake Ave.,
Monterey , CA 93940 UNITED STATES
Cannery Row Deli 4

Based on 1 reviews

Cannery Row Deli 831-645-9549
101 Drake Ave.,
Monterey , CA 93940 UNITED STATES
4 5

Small Deli Goodness

Small little deli the Coastal Recreation Trail near Spa on the Plaxa. The price is not too bad. Great for a quick bit before going back onto the trail.
posted at 02/11/10

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Cannery Row Deli
4.0 (1 reviews)
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Cannery Row Deli

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