California Auto Sales

California Auto Sales

Automotive in Modesto, CA

Automotive Auto Dealers Wholesalers

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930 Crows Landing Rd.,
Modesto , CA 95351 UNITED STATES


California Auto Sales 209-524-9557
930 Crows Landing Rd.,
Modesto , CA 95351 UNITED STATES
California Auto Sales 5

Based on 1 reviews

California Auto Sales 209-524-9557
930 Crows Landing Rd.,
Modesto , CA 95351 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great cars

We needed a second car and this was a place thet we chose to look at as they had a ad in a magazine. We stoped in but the car was already sold but the staff was very friendly. Good selection of cars
posted at 02/25/10

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California Auto Sales
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