Cafe Sistina

Cafe Sistina

Cafes, Coffee, and Coffee Houses in Honolulu, HI

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Cafes, Coffee, and Coffee Houses

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1314 S King St.,
Honolulu , HI 96814 UNITED STATES


Cafe Sistina 808-596-0061
1314 S King St.,
Honolulu , HI 96814 UNITED STATES
Cafe Sistina 4

Based on 1 reviews

Cafe Sistina 808-596-0061
1314 S King St.,
Honolulu , HI 96814 UNITED STATES
4 5

Perfect Experience

You don't just eat here... Cafe Sistina is a wonderful experience! The food, the service, the wine, the room.... all just wonderful.
posted at 03/15/10

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Cafe Sistina
Cafes, Coffee, and Coffee Houses
4.0 (1 reviews)
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