Cafe Red Onion

Cafe Red Onion

Restaurants in Houston, TX


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1111 Eldridge Pkwy., 100
Houston , TX 77077 UNITED STATES


Cafe Red Onion 281-293-7500
1111 Eldridge Pkwy., 100
Houston , TX 77077 UNITED STATES
Cafe Red Onion 4

Based on 1 reviews

Cafe Red Onion 281-293-7500
1111 Eldridge Pkwy., 100
Houston , TX 77077 UNITED STATES
4 5

Some of the best Latin cuisine has to offer!

Red Onion boasts some of the most delicious food in Houston, some of the best Latin Fusion has to offer. They have a host of wonderful appetizers and entrees, along with desserts that are to die for. A typical meal here starts with a...
posted at 08/04/11

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Cafe Red Onion
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