C & G Service

C & G Service

Auto Repair in Boston, MA

Auto Repair

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77 L St.,
Boston , MA 02127 UNITED STATES


C & G Service 617-269-9551
77 L St.,
Boston , MA 02127 UNITED STATES
C & G Service 5

Based on 1 reviews

C & G Service 617-269-9551
77 L St.,
Boston , MA 02127 UNITED STATES
5 5

Best Mechanic in town

Scotty gets the job done and won't beat you up on the price or run up the bill. if you looking for bottled water and a fancy waiting room don't go here. if you want to get your car fixed, then this is the place
posted at 12/07/10

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C & G Service
Auto Repair
5.0 (1 reviews)
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