Bumper Scuffs Plus

Bumper Scuffs Plus

Auto Repair in Austin, TX

Auto Repair Body Shops

Contact us


8308 Research Blvd.,
Austin , TX 78758 UNITED STATES


Bumper Scuffs Plus 512-454-3330
8308 Research Blvd.,
Austin , TX 78758 UNITED STATES
Bumper Scuffs Plus 3.6666666666667

Based on 3 reviews

Bumper Scuffs Plus 512-454-3330
8308 Research Blvd.,
Austin , TX 78758 UNITED STATES
5 5

Awesome Job!!!!

My car got in a fight with a UPS truck and my back bumber lost. Tore a whole clean through. Almost a foot long and 6 inches wide. I was quoted over $1900.00 at a body shop. Bumpers Rx quoted me $369.00 out the door.

My bumper...
posted at 05/18/10
Bumper Scuffs Plus 512-454-3330
8308 Research Blvd.,
Austin , TX 78758 UNITED STATES
5 5

Excellent place, work, and people

I rarely write reviews, but I was so impressed by Matt and Bumpers RX that I had to write.

I hit a piece of tire on the highway going 70mph (thanks, whoever left it there... ) and it trashed my front bumper pretty badly with the whole...
posted at 01/22/11
Bumper Scuffs Plus 512-454-3330
8308 Research Blvd.,
Austin , TX 78758 UNITED STATES
1 5

Very disappointed!

Makes me wonder if this is the same place that gets rave reviews here! I'm not sure what was worse, the shoddy workmanship, the multitude of inconsistent excuses I was told, or the parting words I was given. I had scraped paint and a...
posted at 10/09/10

Detail information

Company name
Bumper Scuffs Plus
Auto Repair
3.7 (3 reviews)
auto tune up,  car repair services,  auto electrical car painting
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