Bucks County School of Bartending

Bucks County School of Bartending

Education in Bensalem, PA

Education Specialty Schools Public Schools

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1350 Street Rd.,
Bensalem , PA 19020 UNITED STATES


Bucks County School of Bartending 215-638-7616
1350 Street Rd.,
Bensalem , PA 19020 UNITED STATES
Bucks County School of Bartending 5

Based on 1 reviews

Bucks County School of Bartending 215-638-7616
1350 Street Rd.,
Bensalem , PA 19020 UNITED STATES
5 5

Best Bartending School Around

I've been in the restaurant business for 11 years now. After deciding that I wanted to go back to school, I stopped by the Bucks County School of Bartending and had a one-on-one with the John (the co-owner). John made me feel completely...
posted at 06/25/10

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Bucks County School of Bartending

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