Brinn Janet Z

Brinn Janet Z

Counseling & Mental Health in Cincinnati, OH

Counseling & Mental Health

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48 E Hollister St.,
Cincinnati , OH 45219 UNITED STATES


Brinn Janet Z 513-929-0935
48 E Hollister St.,
Cincinnati , OH 45219 UNITED STATES
Brinn Janet Z 3.5

Based on 2 reviews

Brinn Janet Z 513-929-0935
48 E Hollister St.,
Cincinnati , OH 45219 UNITED STATES
2 5

It all comes down to the therapist

"Janet Brinn" is really just a practice name since the doctor with that name doesn't take new patients. Instead Dr. Brinn has a number of employee therapists, some doctors, some not, that see her patients in her stead. It's all billed...
posted at 02/24/10
Brinn Janet Z 513-929-0935
48 E Hollister St.,
Cincinnati , OH 45219 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great Experience!

I sought the counsel of Jan after a couple of years of infertility, as my husband and I decided to move forward with adoption. She has been a tremendous resource in moving through my grief, and pointing us toward great resources from...
posted at 01/30/11

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Brinn Janet Z
Counseling & Mental Health
3.5 (2 reviews)
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