Brentwood Alterations

Brentwood Alterations

Local Services in Brentwood, TN

Local Services Sewing & Alterations Tailors-Seamstresses

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127 Franklin Rd., 120
Brentwood , TN 37027 UNITED STATES


Brentwood Alterations 615-661-4786
127 Franklin Rd., 120
Brentwood , TN 37027 UNITED STATES
Brentwood Alterations 1

Based on 1 reviews

Brentwood Alterations 615-661-4786
127 Franklin Rd., 120
Brentwood , TN 37027 UNITED STATES
1 5


I had a dress that needed to be altered. They said that they could do it and since it was pleated it would cost $45. When i got it back it looked like someone from a highschool sewing class did it. It was obvious that it was altered...
posted at 05/07/10

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Brentwood Alterations
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