Brake Masters

Brake Masters

Auto Repair in Orangevale, CA

Auto Repair

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9348 Greenback Ln.,
Orangevale , CA 95662 UNITED STATES


Brake Masters 916-988-0737
9348 Greenback Ln.,
Orangevale , CA 95662 UNITED STATES
Brake Masters 2.5

Based on 2 reviews

Brake Masters 916-988-0737
9348 Greenback Ln.,
Orangevale , CA 95662 UNITED STATES
1 5

Nickle and Dimes "R" Us

When you recieve your quote, after waiting for over an hour and a half, be sure and check out how many "extras" are on the printout (brake flush/un-needed every time-28$, brake fluid not included with brake flush-11.95$, "cleaning"-28$)....
posted at 02/11/10
Brake Masters 916-988-0737
9348 Greenback Ln.,
Orangevale , CA 95662 UNITED STATES
4 5

Reliable Experiences

I've been going here for a few years now for oil changes and brake jobs. Just the routine stuff and always find Larry and his staff to be straightforward and honest. I'll sometimes negotiate on the prices of things, but they do so in a...
posted at 05/19/11

Detail information

Company name
Brake Masters
Auto Repair
2.5 (2 reviews)
auto painting,  auto service,  car fixing
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