Boudin Sourdough Bakery & Cafe

Boudin Sourdough Bakery & Cafe

Restaurants in San Marcos, CA


Contact us


113 S Las Posas Rd.,
San Marcos , CA 92078 UNITED STATES


Boudin Sourdough Bakery & Cafe 760-761-1150
113 S Las Posas Rd.,
San Marcos , CA 92078 UNITED STATES
Boudin Sourdough Bakery & Cafe 4

Based on 2 reviews

Boudin Sourdough Bakery & Cafe 760-761-1150
113 S Las Posas Rd.,
San Marcos , CA 92078 UNITED STATES
4 5

Sourdough Love

There is nothing wrong with adding a little sourdough love to your life. It is SO hard to find good sourdough in SoCal, so even if you never eat a sandwich at this place, for goodness sake, just buy yourself a baguette and eat the end...
posted at 03/25/10
Boudin Sourdough Bakery & Cafe 760-761-1150
113 S Las Posas Rd.,
San Marcos , CA 92078 UNITED STATES
4 5

Artichoke Pizza

Boudin's has a delicious lunch menu with great specials. I love their salads, breads and most of all pizza with artichokes!
posted at 03/23/10

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Boudin Sourdough Bakery & Cafe
4.0 (2 reviews)
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Boudin Sourdough Bakery & Cafe

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