Bou Cleaners

Bou Cleaners

Local Services in Gastonia, NC

Local Services Dry Cleaning & Laundry Office Cleaning and Janitorial Services

Contact us


1105 Kendrick Rd.,
Gastonia , NC 28056 UNITED STATES


Bou Cleaners 704-867-2151
1105 Kendrick Rd.,
Gastonia , NC 28056 UNITED STATES
Bou Cleaners 4

Based on 2 reviews

Bou Cleaners 704-867-2151
1105 Kendrick Rd.,
Gastonia , NC 28056 UNITED STATES
4 5

Kathy S

This cleaners is great they did my wedding gown and several of the maids dresses, they did a super job.
posted at 02/02/10
Bou Cleaners 704-867-2151
1105 Kendrick Rd.,
Gastonia , NC 28056 UNITED STATES
4 5

Brandy L

this is a really good dry cleaners, they always get the stains out. they always have everything ready on time.
posted at 02/02/10

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Bou Cleaners
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4.0 (2 reviews)
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