Bill Balloon Automotive

Bill Balloon Automotive

Auto Repair in Pittsburgh, PA

Auto Repair

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164 39th St.,
Pittsburgh , PA 15201 UNITED STATES


Bill Balloon Automotive 412-681-0433
164 39th St.,
Pittsburgh , PA 15201 UNITED STATES
Bill Balloon Automotive 2.5

Based on 2 reviews

Bill Balloon Automotive 412-681-0433
164 39th St.,
Pittsburgh , PA 15201 UNITED STATES
1 5

NOT RECOMMENDED. He will use your car to pick up OTHER clients and then charge you for the gas. He is MOODY and will get ANGRY at you if you call him for an update.
posted at 07/22/11
Bill Balloon Automotive 412-681-0433
164 39th St.,
Pittsburgh , PA 15201 UNITED STATES
4 5

NOT Recommended

NOT RECOMMENDED. He will use your car to pick up OTHER clients and then charge you for the gas. He is MOODY and will get ANGRY at you if you call him for an update.
posted at 07/22/11

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Company name
Bill Balloon Automotive
Auto Repair
2.5 (2 reviews)
car repair services,  auto body repairs,  auto electrical auto diagnostics
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