Bigler's Mind & Body Works

Bigler's Mind & Body Works

Auto Repair in Indianapolis, IN

Auto Repair Body Shops

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5546 Pilgrim Dr.,
Indianapolis , IN 46254 UNITED STATES


Bigler's Mind & Body Works 317-291-5790
5546 Pilgrim Dr.,
Indianapolis , IN 46254 UNITED STATES
Bigler's Mind & Body Works 5

Based on 4 reviews

Bigler's Mind & Body Works 317-291-5790
5546 Pilgrim Dr.,
Indianapolis , IN 46254 UNITED STATES
5 5

Simply the best!

I have been seeing Stephanie for about 8 years and can honestly say that she is the best massage therapist I have ever encountered. Good prices, relaxing atmosphere, professional, warm and genuine! She cares deeply about wellness,...
posted at 12/14/10
Bigler's Mind & Body Works 317-291-5790
5546 Pilgrim Dr.,
Indianapolis , IN 46254 UNITED STATES
5 5

Love Mind and Body

Stephanie has given me a couple of massages this past year. She is always very welcoming and the massages are wonderful. I even gave my husband to be a massage before the wedding and he was very impressed!!!! Very relaxing, best price...
posted at 11/27/10
Bigler's Mind & Body Works 317-291-5790
5546 Pilgrim Dr.,
Indianapolis , IN 46254 UNITED STATES
5 5

Favorite place to relax!!!!!

Stephanie has given me a couple of massages this past year. She is always very welcoming and the massages are wonderful. I even gave my husband to be a massage before the wedding and he was very impressed!!!! Very relaxing, best price...
posted at 11/27/10
Bigler's Mind & Body Works 317-291-5790
5546 Pilgrim Dr.,
Indianapolis , IN 46254 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great place. These folks are pros.

I have 2 jobs that make me susceptible to back and neck problems. I spend a majority of my week days at a computer. On the weekends I play guitar and sing in a local rock band. The pressure from my guitar strap coupled with my poor...
posted at 05/24/11

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Company name
Bigler's Mind & Body Works
Auto Repair
5.0 (4 reviews)
car fixing,  auto mechanic,  car repair services domestic car repair
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