Bens Place

Bens Place

Auto Repair in Raleigh, NC

Auto Repair Body Shops

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5631 Briar Oak Ln., 711
Raleigh , NC 27612 UNITED STATES


Bens Place 919-782-5900
5631 Briar Oak Ln., 711
Raleigh , NC 27612 UNITED STATES
Bens Place 3.3333333333333

Based on 6 reviews

Bens Place 919-782-5900
5631 Briar Oak Ln., 711
Raleigh , NC 27612 UNITED STATES
4 5

Great Place

We heard good things about the place and were looking forward to attending. We were not dissapointed. The food was good and had decent prices. Not a fancy place but a good place to get a decent meal. I wouldn't suggest going hear during...
posted at 03/13/10
Bens Place 919-782-5900
5631 Briar Oak Ln., 711
Raleigh , NC 27612 UNITED STATES
1 5

Not a lunch spot

My husband and I have been to bens place for drinks before and had a fine experience. We decided to pop in for lunch on a Saturday for something different to do. Huge mistake. Our first tip off should have been the fact that there were...
posted at 07/27/10
Bens Place 919-782-5900
5631 Briar Oak Ln., 711
Raleigh , NC 27612 UNITED STATES
5 5

Legitimate review of a really good local family restaurant

Ben's Place has really good food and a comfortable, friendly, laid-back environment. It is a refreshing change from all the drab chain restaurants in Raleigh. I am mostly vegetarian and a very picky eater. The staff always go out of their...
posted at 10/01/10
Bens Place 919-782-5900
5631 Briar Oak Ln., 711
Raleigh , NC 27612 UNITED STATES
5 5

To the person below my review

First off i would just like to say that restaurant is not trying to "kill" anyone. We take food allergies very seriously. But as a customer in a restaurant when you are about to order food and you have an allergy to a certain food no...
posted at 09/30/10
Bens Place 919-782-5900
5631 Briar Oak Ln., 711
Raleigh , NC 27612 UNITED STATES
4 5


When it was open, I enjoyed the food and the patio. But my understanding is that they closed late 2010.
posted at 03/08/11
Bens Place 919-782-5900
5631 Briar Oak Ln., 711
Raleigh , NC 27612 UNITED STATES
1 5

This place almost Killed me be WARNED!!!!!!

My husband and I are new to this side of town and my husband went in to Ben's for a burger. All was ok and he said we should go for dinner. We went with a total of 5 people for dinner. We arrived at 6:30 and ordered right away. I am...
posted at 09/17/10

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Company name
Bens Place
Auto Repair
3.3 (6 reviews)
foreign car repair,  muffler repair,  german auto repair fix car paint
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