Bell Richard N

Bell Richard N

Professional Services in Indianapolis, IN

Professional Services Lawyers and Law Firms Law and Courts

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1 Indiana Sq.,
Indianapolis , IN 46204 UNITED STATES


Bell Richard N 317-636-6481
1 Indiana Sq.,
Indianapolis , IN 46204 UNITED STATES
Bell Richard N 3.6666666666667

Based on 3 reviews

Bell Richard N 317-636-6481
1 Indiana Sq.,
Indianapolis , IN 46204 UNITED STATES
1 5

did she graduate?

Did this woman pass the Bar? We knew more about the law than she did. We, eventually, had to drop her and hired an attorney that really started things going. Waste of money!!
posted at 02/21/10
Bell Richard N 317-636-6481
1 Indiana Sq.,
Indianapolis , IN 46204 UNITED STATES
5 5

Wonderful attorney!!!

This law firm is quite large and handles many different legal aspects. However, I hired them for a divorce and was very pleased with the results. I was working with a different attorney and switched to Cohen and Malad and feel I...
posted at 12/14/10
Bell Richard N 317-636-6481
1 Indiana Sq.,
Indianapolis , IN 46204 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great custody attorney

She helped me get custody of my son when no one else would help. I highly recommend her as an attorney!!!
posted at 12/14/10

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Bell Richard N
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3.7 (3 reviews)
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