Bell Auto Body

Bell Auto Body

Auto Repair in Rancho Cordova, CA

Auto Repair Body Shops

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11379 Trade Center Dr., 335
Rancho Cordova , CA 95742 UNITED STATES


Bell Auto Body 916-635-7888
11379 Trade Center Dr., 335
Rancho Cordova , CA 95742 UNITED STATES
Bell Auto Body 5

Based on 1 reviews

Bell Auto Body 916-635-7888
11379 Trade Center Dr., 335
Rancho Cordova , CA 95742 UNITED STATES
5 5

Bell Auto Painting does excellent work and is very honest, you usually don't find too many shops like this. Very well priced labor rate, took extremely good care of my 1968 Camaro and kept me well informed at all times, In matter of fact, Bell Auto Painting wants you to stop by as often as you can (two or three days a week, not once every couple of weeks) to go over the process and the next steps. 30 Years of expertise and he knows what he’s doing to get your rod, classic or muscle car looking great! First car show I took my Camaro to, I won best GM of show! Also went to Hot August Nights and had an over whelming response from people on how beautiful the car looked and how the paint just pops. When I build my next car Bell Auto Painting will get the work again. I would recommend Bell Auto Painting to anyone and if anyone has any doubts check out the cars he has done on the web site.
posted at 09/08/11

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Bell Auto Body
Auto Repair
5.0 (1 reviews)
car repair estimates,  auto brakes,  car mechanic auto bumper repair
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