Becker Automotive

Becker Automotive

Auto Repair in Durham, NC

Auto Repair

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2711 Hillsborough Rd.,
Durham , NC 27705 UNITED STATES


Becker Automotive 919-286-3442
2711 Hillsborough Rd.,
Durham , NC 27705 UNITED STATES
Becker Automotive 4

Based on 1 reviews

Becker Automotive 919-286-3442
2711 Hillsborough Rd.,
Durham , NC 27705 UNITED STATES
4 5

no BS. Honest work

If you own a Volvo, go to Becker. Honest, detailed, no funny business. In fact, if Mr. Becker can help you solve a problem over the phone, he'll walk you through it and allow you to avoid bringing it in. I've been taking my Volvo to...
posted at 05/26/10

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Becker Automotive
Auto Repair
4.0 (1 reviews)
auto service,  car audio installation,  car painting muffler repair
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