Bass Cleaners

Bass Cleaners

Local Services in Macon, GA

Local Services Dry Cleaning & Laundry

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5250 Riverside Dr.,
Macon , GA 31210 UNITED STATES


Bass Cleaners 478-474-6530
5250 Riverside Dr.,
Macon , GA 31210 UNITED STATES
Bass Cleaners 3

Based on 1 reviews

Bass Cleaners 478-474-6530
5250 Riverside Dr.,
Macon , GA 31210 UNITED STATES
3 5


I wouldn't say its the best dry cleaning I have ever seen, but it does the job. They get my cloths in and out in a timely manner, and they are priced very reasonably. They are close to home so that is always good, and the owners are...
posted at 10/22/10

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Bass Cleaners
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3.0 (1 reviews)
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