Barbara Monett, LCSW

Barbara Monett, LCSW

Counseling & Mental Health in Santa Cruz, CA

Counseling & Mental Health Marriage & Family Counseling

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555 Soquel Ave. , Suite 330B
Santa Cruz , CA 95062 UNITED STATES

About Barbara Monett, LCSW

As a psychotherapist specializing in recovery from substance abuse, codependency, living with a sociopath or narcissist, I can provide you with support, education, problem solving, tools and techniques to live YOUR life, not someone else's. Trained as a psychiatric social worker with over 20 years personal and professional experience. Please call with any questions or to make an appointment. Phone and office sessions available. Some insurances accepted. Credit cards, paypal, checks accepted.


Barbara Monett, LCSW 831-252-6000
555 Soquel Ave. , Suite 330B
Santa Cruz , CA 95062 UNITED STATES
Barbara Monett, LCSW

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Barbara Monett, LCSW
Counseling & Mental Health
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therapist,  psychotherapist,  psychologist relationships
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Barbara Monett, LCSW

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