Bandy's Auto Sales

Bandy's Auto Sales

Auto Repair in Indianapolis, IN

Auto Repair

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908 Madison Ave.,
Indianapolis , IN 46225 UNITED STATES


Bandy's Auto Sales 317-865-9252
908 Madison Ave.,
Indianapolis , IN 46225 UNITED STATES
Bandy's Auto Sales 1

Based on 1 reviews

Bandy's Auto Sales 317-865-9252
908 Madison Ave.,
Indianapolis , IN 46225 UNITED STATES
1 5

Horrible Chain

Bandy's is a horrible place to take your vehicle! They have people who aren't even mechanics calling the shots on what to fix and what not to. I had my car towed in cause I couldn't find out why it wouldn't start and also knew the...
posted at 07/12/11

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Bandy's Auto Sales
Auto Repair
1.0 (1 reviews)
car repair services,  radiator repair,  german auto repair auto bumper repair
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