Calvin's Body Shop

Calvin's Body Shop

Automotive in Tampa, FL

Automotive Auto Repair

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7413 S Germer St,
Tampa , FL 33616 UNITED STATES

About Calvin's Body Shop

Calvin’s Body Shop is committed to providing you excellent service, so you always choose us for your repair needs. We genuinely care about your car and your experience. Our first-time customers continually become our long-term customers and we appreciate a regular customer as well. We have been in business for 16 years at our South Tampa location. We deal with military, first responders, and neighbors in our surrounding communities. Our body shop has a combined number of 100 years’ experience. We are a paint, body, frame, some custom work, and collision shop.


Calvin's Body Shop 813-831-6135
7413 S Germer St,
Tampa , FL 33616 UNITED STATES
Calvin's Body Shop

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Calvin's Body Shop
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Calvin's Body Shop

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