Shiftrite Transmission & Auto Service

Shiftrite Transmission & Auto Service

Auto Repair in Dunedin, FL

Auto Repair

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1070 Keene Road,
Dunedin , FL 34698 UNITED STATES

About Shiftrite Transmission & Auto Service

Shiftrite Transmission & Auto Service provides quality transmission and auto repair services in Dunedin & Clearwater, FL. We service all types of foreign, domestic, automatic, and standard cars.


Shiftrite Transmission & Auto Service 727-734-7800
1070 Keene Road,
Dunedin , FL 34698 UNITED STATES
Shiftrite Transmission & Auto Service 2.6

Based on 5 reviews

Shiftrite Transmission & Auto Service 727-734-7800
1070 Keene Road,
Dunedin , FL 34698 UNITED STATES
1 5


I do a lot of my own auto work. When I was re-installing my motor after a rebuild I accidently broke the transmission pump. I took the transmission to Shiftrite because of locality. Even though the transmission never gave me a bit of trouble before, I agreed to a complete rebuild (many miles on it, already had engine done, its already out, ETC.) I followed Randys re-installation instructions to the letter. 2 days later in Tampa, Boom, and I'm not moving. paid for a tow back to Shiftrite and told them what happened. approx a week later they called to say it was ready to be picked up. Upon arrival I got a bill for another $1,000.00. I was now told for the first time that there was no warrantee because I re-installed the transmission. I needed my truck for work so what was I gonna do, so I paid the money and tried to leave. I could barely turn the steering wheel, but fought it back to my house. I checked my power steering fluid and found it to be full of brand new heavy weight gear oil instead of lightweight hydraulic fluid. My guess is a method of ripping someone less knowledgable off for more work. I've since talked to 3 other trans mechanics who verified that I reinstalled it correctly. The transmission has never worked correctly since I got the truck back from them, but I wont take it back. Because now I WOULDN'T TRUST THIS PLACE TO CHECK THE AIR IN MY TIRES!!!
posted at 11/03/08
Shiftrite Transmission & Auto Service 727-734-7800
1070 Keene Road,
Dunedin , FL 34698 UNITED STATES
5 5

Shift Rite on the Money

I was in Dunedin visiting from Pennsylvania, when my transmission started leaking severely. I brought my Mercedes by Shiftrite and Randy personally pointed out what happened and detailed how they would fix it. The estimate beat AAMCO's by $500. Considering I had to be back home with in 3 days, Shiftrite's staff handled my car promptly and I was able to get home on time with no problems. Also I must say the service was excellent and the warranty matched the local dealerships. As a business owner I know only people with an axe to grind come out to show their distain for a business. Shame on you!
I just want to say thank you to Randy and Shiftrite for saving the day. And I know if they let their service do the talking, people will continue to see what a great local mechanic they have in Dunedin.
posted at 08/03/09
Shiftrite Transmission & Auto Service 727-734-7800
1070 Keene Road,
Dunedin , FL 34698 UNITED STATES
5 5

Me, Family & Friends - Very satisfied customers 4 years!

Myself and my family have lived in Dunedin for years, we know who the players are in this town for transmissions and brakes and all have been satisfied with the level of service from Shiftrite transmission for many years. They have the cleanest shop in town and their people are really honest and competent, I know them personally. I recommend these guys to all my family and friends because they are straight shooters. Any one who says these guys aren't the best and most trustworthy in the tampa bay area at transmissions and brakes - either have never dealt with Shiftrite or are their competition just trying to smudge them for their benefit.
posted at 08/13/09
Shiftrite Transmission & Auto Service 727-734-7800
1070 Keene Road,
Dunedin , FL 34698 UNITED STATES
1 5

Please don't go here.

Long story short, used them once. Loved it, did a great job treated me well. Went back 6 months after having some brake issues. They wanted close to $1,100 dollars to fix my brakes! Why? They wanted to replaced EVERYTHING pads, rotors, lines even the master cylinder citing it as "needed"

Then I took it to another shop in Dunedin, I wont cite their name as I don't want people to think I am advertising. This other shop looked at my vehicle. Agreed I did need new pads shortly but was honest and up front and told me simply it was a a brake line with a hole in it, and it was a simple 125 dollar repair. Shift rite never mentioned that! The simply wanted to take advantage of my youth. Randy is a crook and a liar!
posted at 11/21/09
Shiftrite Transmission & Auto Service 727-734-7800
1070 Keene Road,
Dunedin , FL 34698 UNITED STATES
1 5

crook, lier and a thief.

There are not enough cuss words I could use to describe my ordeal at "shift rite". We had transmission problems. Randy said it needed rebuilt. After giving him $2000.00 in cash we pick up our car. We new when drove away that it was exactly the same as it was when we took it in. But Randy had told us we needed new bearings and we new we had some brake issues so before we blamed him we wanted to get those things fixed. After getting all those things fixed the transmission was still doing the same thing. So we took it back to him. He said it was probably an electrical problem. So why didn't he fix the electrical problem to begin with if that was the problem. He charged us another $160.00. He tried to tell us it was something we did to the car. He is a lier and could have fixed our transmission for less than a quarter of what he charged us. He will fast talk his way out of anything. He threatened to cancel our warrenty. Go right ahead Randy. Cancel it. I would never take my car back to you and I will make sure everyone I know hears about it. And I know a lot of people in this town. I hope you go out of business so you can't keep ripping people off.
posted at 03/10/10

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Shiftrite Transmission & Auto Service
Auto Repair
2.6 (5 reviews)
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