The Watkins Law Firm

The Watkins Law Firm

Lawyers and Law Firms in Houma, LA

Lawyers and Law Firms

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100 Ramey Rd,
Houma , LA 70360 UNITED STATES

About The Watkins Law Firm

The Watkins Law Firm is the pre-eminent law firm in the area assisting both large and small businesses to achieve the growth and stability necessary in today’s marketplace. We also assist individuals with family law needs, including adoptions, divorce, and child custody. Our attorneys focus their attention on our client’s needs for service and attention to legal details. By doing this, the transactions, agreements and litigation are done right the first time and will hold up to scrutiny in a court of law.


The Watkins Law Firm 985-221-4095
100 Ramey Rd,
Houma , LA 70360 UNITED STATES
The Watkins Law Firm

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