Queen Pharmacy

Queen Pharmacy

Health and Medical in Lancaster, PA

Health and Medical Pharmacies and Drugstores Baby Stores

Contact us


965 E King St,
Lancaster , PA 17602 UNITED STATES

About Queen Pharmacy

Have your prescriptions filled at Queen Pharmacy in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Our compounding pharmacy has been in the same location since our opening in 1921. In addition, members of the original founding family are still assisting customers.

As a bilingual business, we are committed to offering superior service to all of our customers. Our pharmacy offers free local delivery in the morning and evening, six days a week. Our establishment is involved and well respected in our community.


Queen Pharmacy 717-394-0744
965 E King St,
Lancaster , PA 17602 UNITED STATES
Queen Pharmacy

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Queen Pharmacy
Health and Medical
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Queen Pharmacy

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