Hi-Tech I.T. Solutions

Hi-Tech I.T. Solutions

Contractors in Lubbock, TX

Contractors IT Services & Computers Business Consulting and Services

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7415 HWY 62 Unit 4,
Lubbock , TX 79407 UNITED STATES

About Hi-Tech I.T. Solutions

Our I.T. department is skilled in many different areas relating to computer hardware and software. We are equipped to fix basic computer problems as well as some of the more challenging problems you may be facing. Hi-Tech Solutions can help you with hard drive issues, viruses or malware on your computer, or problems with your computer software. We know that a lot of people fear technology and feel like they are overwhelmed with computer problems, but Hi-Tech Solutions aims not only to fix your I.T. issues, but also to help you create a better relationship with the technology you use daily. We are willing to answer any questions and help you learn to problem solve for future occasions. With Hi-Tech Solutions network management package, we will be able to detect when a piece of your network is going to fail, and work on getting the error fixed, before you even notice a problem.


Hi-Tech I.T. Solutions 806-577-4906
7415 HWY 62 Unit 4,
Lubbock , TX 79407 UNITED STATES
Hi-Tech I.T. Solutions

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