Acupuncture in Preston, ID
Acupuncture • Chiropractors • Alternative and Non-traditional Medicine
1514 S 800 W,
Stuite 100
Preston ,
I named the clinic- Head To Toe Health Care- because I treat most conditions affecting your frame from- Head to Toe. I have been in practice for over 14 years. I first practiced in Hyde Park, UT for 7 of those years and then moved my practice up to Preston and have been here for more than 7 years now. In addition to using the Chiropractic Adjustment, I use deep tissue massage of affected muscles, ligaments and tendons, Acupuncture and TENS therapy to help relieve a number of common ailments. Some of the ailments I treat are: Neck pain, Headache, Migraine, Sinus Pain, Allergies, Jaw Pain, Upper and Lower Back Pain, Rib Pain, Broken Ribs, Shoulder/Elbow/Wrist Pain, Carpal Tunnel, Hand Pain, Arm and Hand Numbness/Tingling, Hip/Knee/Ankle/Foot Pain, Leg and Foot Numbness/Tingling, Muscle Injuries, Athletic Injuries, Car Accident Injuries, Work Accident Injuries and many other problems. Give us a try. You wont be sorry. Most insurances are accepted.
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