Dental Care of Sumner

Dental Care of Sumner

Dentists in Sumner, WA


Contact us


1006 Fryar Ave, Suite B
Sumner , WA 98390 UNITED STATES

About Dental Care of Sumner

We are a group of dentists who care deeply about our patients and our communities. Compassion and clinical excellence are what we value above profits. Atlas Dentistry stands for practices with heart and we are only successful when patients are happy. We seek out staff that share in that philosophy. We have complete confidence in our team.

We believe in comprehensive care. That means that we strive to offer expanded services so that you don’t have to go from specialist to specialist to have your dental needs met. Because of our investment in technology and emphasis on education our doctors collectively possess the skills to perform advanced treatment.


Dental Care of Sumner 253-248-7935
1006 Fryar Ave, Suite B
Sumner , WA 98390 UNITED STATES
Dental Care of Sumner

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Dental Care of Sumner

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