Cole's Market

Cole's Market

Caterers in Montrose, NY

Caterers Banquet Halls & Event Spaces Delivery Services

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2147 Albany Post Road,
Montrose , NY 10548 UNITED STATES

About Cole's Market

Cole’s Market was established as a General Store in about 1890-mostly a candy store, with groceries, newspapers, and beverages. The first owner was Dorlen T. Cole (Great Grandfather of Tom and Tricia Cole who own and operate the business today). He ran the store with his Wife until 1949, when Dorlen’s son, David E. Cole, Sr., and his wife, Mary Edith, took it over. They ran the store until 1966 when David Cole, Sr. passed away. It was then run by Tom Cole Sr., Albert Cole, and their mother, Mary Edith. Meats were introduced to the store around 1970. The property was turned over to Tom Cole, Sr. in 1983. Tom Cole, Jr. had been running the business with his father since about 1984 and is credited with establishing the store’s catering department. Tricia, Tom’s sister, came on board in August 1999, followed By Tricia’s husband, Joe Delamater, the chef, in about 2004. Since the passing of Tom Cole, Sr., Tommy and Tricia manage the business together.

Cole’s prides itself on being family and community oriented. They have had two employees with them for more than 40 years–Helen Schlurensauer and Gary Parks, Meat Manager.


Cole's Market 914-737-7737
2147 Albany Post Road,
Montrose , NY 10548 UNITED STATES
Cole's Market

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Cole's Market
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