Bailey's AC & Appliance

Bailey's AC & Appliance

Contractors in Arcadia, FL

Contractors Plumbers and Heating Technicians House Cleaning

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422 E Magnolia St,
Arcadia , FL 34266 UNITED STATES

About Bailey's AC & Appliance

We have over 40 years of experience in residential air conditioning, commercial refrigeration and commercial hotside and coldside food service equipment repair. We offer a wide range of services, including equipment sales, installation, repair and servicing.

We even offer regularly scheduled maintenance contracts to keep your equipment running clean and efficiently.

As a Florida certified contractor we can install or replace, service and maintain any air conditioning system. We offer residential central air conditioning, ductless heating and cooling systems, home air conditioning installation, repair and maintenance contracts.


Bailey's AC & Appliance 863-266-4510
422 E Magnolia St,
Arcadia , FL 34266 UNITED STATES
Bailey's AC & Appliance

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