Gregory B. Levett and Sons Funeral Home & Crematory, Inc.

Gregory B. Levett and Sons Funeral Home & Crematory, Inc.

Funeral Homes & Directors in Conyers, GA

Funeral Homes & Directors

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1999 Hwy 138 SE,
Conyers , GA 30013 UNITED STATES

About Gregory B. Levett and Sons Funeral Home & Crematory, Inc.

Here at Gregory B. Levett & Sons Funeral Homes & Crematory Inc., we are privileged to have served our families for over 32 years. Our staff will always be here when you need us to be. That level of service has been a cornerstone of our caring for the families of Atlanta, Georgia since 1980 and will continue to be.
Mission Statement

Our mission is to be the premiere family owned and operated funeral home in Atlanta servicing families locally, nationally and internationally, staffed by well-trained professionals providing reliable, caring and dignified services. We specialize in traditional arrangements providing, comfort and emotional support during our family’s period of bereavement.


Gregory B. Levett and Sons Funeral Home & Crematory, Inc. 770-285-6673
1999 Hwy 138 SE,
Conyers , GA 30013 UNITED STATES
Gregory B. Levett and Sons Funeral Home & Crematory, Inc.

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Company name
Gregory B. Levett and Sons Funeral Home & Crematory, Inc.
Funeral Homes & Directors
Not Rated
funeral home,  cremation services,  funeral planning cremation service
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Gregory B. Levett and Sons Funeral Home & Crematory, Inc.

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