Lexus of Santa Fe

Lexus of Santa Fe

Auto Dealers in Santa Fe, NM

Auto Dealers Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories

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6824 Cerrillos Rd,
Santa Fe , NM 87507 UNITED STATES

About Lexus of Santa Fe

Lexus of Santa Fe provides you with a world-class ownership experience. We share the thrill our customers get from owning and driving a Lexus. Whether you come in for a new or pre-owned Lexus, to have your vehicle serviced or to arrange financing, we are committed to providing the Lexus experience. A leading provider of financing, vehicle protection, and payment protection programs, Lexus Financial Services is committed to providing a customer-focused solution to fit your lifestyle. Our Service Department staff is passionate about caring for the best vehicles in the world, and to keeping your Lexus in top performing condition. When it comes to parts, including tires, we understand that the right components provide superb performance and handling. Our factory-trained technicians have years of experience and will get you and your Lexus back on the road as soon as possible.


Lexus of Santa Fe 505-216-3800
6824 Cerrillos Rd,
Santa Fe , NM 87507 UNITED STATES
Lexus of Santa Fe

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Lexus of Santa Fe

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