Acupuncture in Armstrong, IA
Acupuncture • Chiropractors • Alternative and Non-traditional Medicine
606 2nd Ave.,
Armstrong ,
If you live in the Armstrong IA area...
"Get A Complimentary 'No Strings Attached' 17-Point 'Pain Track Down' Chiropractor Personalized Community Service Screening Valued At $179 "
Discover a possible solution to your back pain, neck pain, lower back pain, and headache
problems in your 30 minute visit to HealthSource of Armstrong.
Find a solution to your back pain, neck pain, lower back pain, and headache problems.
Your Pain Trackdown equals 3 Easy Steps!
Step 1. A thorough and detailed exam of your complaint area, including:
Spinal position
Pinched nerves
Muscle knots
Painful turning
Painful catching
Chronic stiffness
Tendons and ligaments
Joint stiffness
Overall joint and body alignment
Adhesions in muscles and ligaments
Step 2. Any necessary diagnostics
Step 3 . An in depth one-on-one consultation to review your results
nsurance Accepted:
Our office is a Healthcare Provider working with All insurance companies. Make your call today and we will be happy to make you an appointment.
Care Provided:
Our Doctors have extensive training to treat and care for many different areas of the body. Our primary focus is based on proven Chiropractic treatment methods in conjunction with progressive rehabilitation delivering trackable results!
Neck Pain/Stiffness
Neck pain and neck stiffness can result from tension and/or muscle strain, and commonly affects regions near the neck, including the shoulder, jaw, head and upper arms. The term "stiff" neck is often used to describe the pain that results when moving your neck, especially from side-to-side. HealthSource doctors and staff effectively work to relieve your pain by freeing trapped nerves and easing stiff joints.
Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel can cause pain, as well as tingling and numbness in your hand, and stems from the buildup of pressure on the median nerve in your wrist. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including
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