Star Career Academy

Star Career Academy

Education in Audubon, PA

Education Specialty Schools Career Education (continuing Education)

Contact us


2501 Monroe Blvd,
Audubon , PA 19403 UNITED STATES

About Star Career Academy

Star Career Acadmy's Campus in Audubon, PA offers hands-on training for Cosmetology and Medical Programs. The Audubon Campus occupies approximately 32,356 square feet of space in a suburban setting in the Valley Forge, Audubon, and King of Prussia area. The school houses a cosmetology school facility and clinical laboratories for the Surgical Technology, Dialysis Technology, and Medical Assistant programs. This includes a simulated operating room, working dialysis machines, a computer lab, and a cosmetology salon that is open to the public.
The school is well-lit, air-conditioned and provides a comfortable environment conducive to teaching and learning. Our learning resources center is available to students, along with a student lounge and parking.
SCA-Audubon is a branch of our Long Island campus.


Star Career Academy 610-783-7827
2501 Monroe Blvd,
Audubon , PA 19403 UNITED STATES
Star Career Academy

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Star Career Academy
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Star Career Academy

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