Construction Consulting and Management in Pittsburgh, PA
Construction Consulting and Management • Architectural Firms
200 Dinsmore Ave,
Suite 200
Pittsburgh ,
Balobeck Designs is an expert when it comes to residential architecture, commercial architecture, institutional architecture, industrial architecture, religious architecture, and remodeling residential and commercial structures. We offer affordable services. Joseph J. Balobeck and Associates was first established under another corporate name in the 1970'S. Over the years, our firm has completed over 800 projects. These projects have ranged from small additions and alterations to existing residential and commercial buildings to large multimillion dollar new construction projects.Ultimately our goal is to create high quality buildings, appropriate to their settings while at the same time being extremely functional. We offer a wide range of architectural services - from planning and program development, through design and construction documents, to on-site inspections.We strive to be the best at what we do! And we believe in incorporating humanity back into architecture.Each client receives one-on-one attention through the entire process.To ensure our client's needs are satisfied we constantly invite our clients to participate and provide input during the design process. After all it's our job to make our clients dream a reality.
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