Gauge Doctor

Gauge Doctor

Auto Repair in Mobile, AL

Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories

Contact us


6481 Moffett Road,
Mobile , AL 36618 UNITED STATES

About Gauge Doctor

Please note: For faster responses CALL before emailing about our gauge repair services.
If your 02-06 Chevy GM GMC vehicle (see list below) is experiencing any of these symptoms: Dead or Dim Driver Information Centers/Odometer Displays, Speedometer, Tachometer, Fuel and or other gauges sticking, not resetting to “0” on ignition off, or any other erroneous readings, I have the solution. GM acknowledged the issue a few years ago and provided repairs under an extended warranty but because of (typically) excessive mileage, many cars and trucks did not qualify for the warranty repair solution. The repair requires removing the instrument cluster assembly, disassembling the cluster and replacing devices called stepper motors that drives each gauge. A new redesigned version of the original OEM stepper motor is now available that will provide a permanent fix for all replaced units.

Even though we are in Mobile, Alabama, we can do business all over including Mississippi, Louisiana, Florida, or anywhere else. We understand that our gauge repair services are hard to find so will help you even if you are outside of Alabama!


Gauge Doctor 251-285-3210
6481 Moffett Road,
Mobile , AL 36618 UNITED STATES
Gauge Doctor

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