The Heath Co.

The Heath Co.

Contractors in Cape Charles, VA

Contractors Plumbers and Heating Technicians Electricians

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30047 Seaside Rd,
Cape Charles , VA 23310 UNITED STATES

About The Heath Co.

When your drain is clogged, an outlet stops working, and the air conditioner is on the fritz, no need to call a separate contractor for each job. Heath Electric Co. is a Master electrician and Master Plumbing Contractor, based in Townsend, Virginia, also providing HVAC services for residential and commercial customers. We have happily been in business for more than 30 years, with more than 35 years of experience.


The Heath Co. 757-331-4169
30047 Seaside Rd,
Cape Charles , VA 23310 UNITED STATES
The Heath Co.

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The Heath Co.
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The Heath Co.

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