Star Motors European Service

Star Motors European Service

Auto Repair in San Juan Capistrano, CA

Auto Repair

Contact us


32961 Calle Perfecto,
San Juan Capistrano , CA 92675 UNITED STATES

About Star Motors European Service

At Star Motors, our goal is to provide dealership quality diagnostics and repair with friendly, customer-focused service. We take your trust seriously and want you to feel like family because to us, family comes first.

This is why we’re committed to providing you with outstanding value each time you visit. We use the latest technology and innovative processes to offer you seamless solutions for the maintenance and repair of your luxury vehicle including routine tune-ups, modifications and emergency repair services.

We are professional and personable, this has been the biggest reason for our longstanding success.

We pride ourselves on empowering you to make informed decisions on what’s best to ensure you and your family are safe on the road.

Star Motors is a member of various professional organizations and supports the community through participation in educational events and fundraisers for women, teens and various charitable organizations.


Star Motors European Service 949-443-1970
32961 Calle Perfecto,
San Juan Capistrano , CA 92675 UNITED STATES
Star Motors European Service

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Star Motors European Service
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Star Motors European Service

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