Dubuque Diesel Injection Service

Dubuque Diesel Injection Service

Auto Repair in Dubuque, IA

Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories

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17481 John Deere Rd,
Dubuque , IA 52001 UNITED STATES

About Dubuque Diesel Injection Service

Diesel Injection Pump, Injector, & Turbo Sales & Repair.

We specialize in the sales and repair of diesel injection pumps, diesel injectors, and turbochargers. Our goal is to provide simply the highest quality diesel parts and service to our customers. Since 1987, we have been fixing and improving the performance of diesel agricultural and heavy equipment as well as diesel trucks and cars.

Our highly skilled diesel technicians retain over 100 years combined experience in the diesel field and are Factory Certified to troubleshoot, service, and repair diesel fuel systems. We carry an extensive line of OEM replacement parts as well as high performance parts for Chevy / GMC Duramax, Dodge Cummins, and Ford Power-stroke trucks. Furthermore, we have exactly what you need to fix or increase the performance of your John Deere, Case IH, Allis Chalmers, or any other make of tractor, combine, or farm equipment. Supporting our technicians is our extensive inventory and services offered, which include the following:

Instantly exchange worn diesel injection pump, injectors, or turbo for new/ reman unit
Drive In diesel diagnostics, diesel repair, and free repair quotes and estimates
Fast in-house testing and repair of your diesel injection pump or diesel injectors
Thousands of diesel parts and products in stock to get what you need quickly.


Dubuque Diesel Injection Service 563-582-9600
17481 John Deere Rd,
Dubuque , IA 52001 UNITED STATES
Dubuque Diesel Injection Service

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Dubuque Diesel Injection Service
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Dubuque Diesel Injection Service

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